Well, then, at least, here is nothing empty! The seller goes easy on the buyer, agrees to implement the solution he proposed. And the buyer, out of gratitude, buys his goods. What could be wrong with that?
Let's figure it out.
First, from the point of view of the buyer.
If the seller turns out to be “emotionally deaf” and did not guess what exactly and how much he should concede, his concession is useless to the buyer. The solution he came up with is not implemented, the problem remains intact. His choice is either not to buy, or regret a "perfect" purchase. Both are empty. Because they are built on the empty, on anticipation of the correct guess.
Well, what if the seller guessed right? Here the situation is more complicated. The solution was found subconsciously, on emotions. Often, even the problem was not recognized! And in this case, the solution may be wrong: remember the Dunning-Krueger effect? Again, the problem remained unresolved, although the seller made a "proper" concession. Then the buyer would regret that he agreed to buy the goods on the proposed terms. On the empty, on the wrong decision, only the empty can be erected.
Now let's look at the concessions from the point of view of the seller.
There are actually not so many concessions: lower the price, do extra work for the buyer, take on part of the buyer's risk, wait with the sale “until a more suitable time,” offer the buyer another seller (company), and also... stop pushing an indecisive buyer. Each of them is empty in its own way.
Reducing the price is like bribing. Bribing - for what? For the fact that the buyer will buy your product. Is this product so bad that it can only be bought for a bribe? So maybe then it is not worth buying? Such situation is empty for both sides. The same thing happens with doing the extra work for the buyer, with taking on part of his risk. All these concessions are the bribes to the buyer for buying the goods.
Transferring the sale to later means that the seller receives money later. The seller and his company have to satisfy their needs not now, but later. But sometimes good that comes too late is good as nothing, money is urgently and desperately needed. Empty, right?
It is even worse if the buyer forces the seller to cede the sale to his competitor. Then the seller never gets hold of his money.
Now, what does it mean to “not push” an indecisive customer? Again, the sale is delayed either indefinitely, when the buyer maybe decides, or even forever. That's empty, no doubts.
So, all concessions are empty, for both seller and buyer.
Manipulate the Buyer | Sales Philosophy. Solid vs. Empty | Identify and Solve the Problem