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The loss depends on how valuable the resource is and how much of it has been lost, could be recovered or gained from some source, and how much the reduction of available resource exceeded the tolerable threshold of its loss.


Loss is determined by the value of lost, gained and restored resources, and tolerable threshold. Loss formula is as follows:


Loss = value * (lost - gained - restored) > threshold


If the value of the lost resource is zero, then the loss is unimportant. Lost resource is what a person loses; gained resource is what he receives from some source; restored resource is the one he was able to recover from the lost. And the threshold is the limit of loss exceeding of which causes an emotional reaction.


How can these components change due the purchase?


  • The value of the lost resource might increase

  • The amount of lost resource might also increase

  • Opportunities to acquire this resource decrease

  • Opportunities to restore lost resources are reduced

  • Tolerable loss threshold may also decrease


Why do these changes inevitably exceed the threshold?


  • The value of the lost resource increases to the maximum

  • The amount of the lost resource exceeds the threshold

  • Opportunities to find this resource are reduced to almost zero

  • Opportunities to restore the lost resources are also reduced to almost zero

  • Tolerable loss threshold drops to almost zero


In this case, the seller should ask the following questions:


If you decide to buy our product on our terms:


  1. What resource will you lose? (name the resource and estimate the size of its loss)

  2. What sources do you usually get this resource from? (name sources and estimate the amount of received resources)

  3. How do you usually recover lost resources? (name methods and estimate the amount of recoverable resources)

  4. How valuable is this resource to you? (name and evaluate the level of value)

  5. How is the acceptable loss threshold for this resource determined? (name and evaluate the threshold value)

  6. Why will resource loss grow?

  7. Why will the ability to get this resource from accessible sources be reduced?

  8. Why will the ability to recover lost resources be reduced?

  9. Why will this resource become more valuable?

  10. Why can the acceptable threshold for the loss of this resource be reduced?

  11. Why do you think that the loss of a resource will exceed the allowable threshold?

  12. Why do you think that the ability to get this resource from available sources will fall to almost zero?

  13. Why do you think that the ability to recover lost resources will fall to almost zero?

  14. Why do you think that the value of the resource will increase to the maximum?

  15. Why do you think that the acceptable threshold can be reduced to almost zero?

Personal Threats | Threats and Their Scenarios | Punishment


Len Kaplan






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