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G: So, you want to find out how to motivate me to run this paper marathon at the end of each month.


J: Yes.


G: How are you going to do this?


J: At the very beginning of our conversation, we discussed how to motivate your company to spend money on teaching the salespeople, managers, marketers and engineers how to use win-win sales technology. The motivation was simple: pointing out the benefits the company gains if it runs this training vs. if it refuses. And why should only a company gain benefits? I believe that everyone who takes an active part in organizing this training should also be motivated by personal benefits.


G: Are you going to pay us?


J: Well, no! Bribing is not an option. Let’s think together and find legitimate ways to motivate you.


G: Well, let’s give it a try.


J: Suppose we ran this training. Your sellers, thanks to the win-win sales technology, have learned to sell more successfully, more profitably and more efficiently. What could you use it for?


G: To improve the work of my department.


J: Why is this needed?


G: What do you mean, “why”? To improve the company business.


J: Good goal! Now let’s see in more detail what might come of it. What features of the proposed technology would you like to apply to the work of your department?


G: You said that this technology is focused on the interests of the consumer. That it allows the seller to eliminate the customer’s troubles associated with their purchase and uses simple and convenient algorithms. I do not yet fully understand how these features could be applied.


J: Don’t rush. Go step by step. Let’s think together what your sellers can do using each of these features. What can the seller do if his actions are aimed at the interests of the buyer?


G: Firstly, he could interest the buyer in purchasing our goods. Secondly, the buyer will develop confidence in the seller. Thirdly, if the seller does not deceive the buyer, they can establish a long-term relationship.


J: And what could the seller do if he helps the buyer avoid the troubles that may arise from this purchase?


G: I already saw it today. He could convince the buyer to buy the goods. In addition, he could do this without any concessions in price, in terms of payment, or in anything else. So, he could sell our goods on more favorable terms.


J: Well put! And what could the seller do by using simple and convenient algorithms?


G: He could run the sale easily and quickly. And most importantly, in my opinion, he could feel confident and behave professionally. But then he could have more successful sales.


J: Let’s summarize. If your sellers use the win-win sales technology, they could interest the buyer in the product, gain his trust, lay the foundation for a long-term relationship, convince the buyer to buy the product without making any concessions, and also feel confident and behave professionally. How would these new opportunities affect their main job, selling the company products?


G: As I already said, they would sell easier, faster and more successfully. As a result, the company’s sales increases.


J: Wonderful! Now let’s talk about you. Your subordinates differ from themselves before using the win-win sales technology: they can sell easier, faster and more successfully, thereby raising the level of sales of the company. This is the “product” that our training creates for you. What new things could you do if you had such a product and used its main features?


G: It’s a difficult question, let me think... What could I do if my employees work better? I could convince the company management to expand production to increase sales. Maybe, I could play a more serious role in the company strategic planning. I could, probably, establish a closer relationship with marketing department, as well as with engineers.


J: How could these new features affect your managing duties?


G: Managing more confident and more successful sellers is both easier and more difficult. You see, a confident and successful person, on the one hand, works better, he does not need to be motivated, but on the other hand, he has his own opinion on how the department should work. It is more difficult to manage them, but more interesting.


J: And how would these changes affect your main goal, improving the company business?


G: Improving sales is an obvious improvement in a company business. If we sell our products faster, more successfully and more profitably, the company market share, its customer base, turnover and profit grow.


J: And how would your influence grow with achievement of this goal?


G: Everything is clear. My department will become the main driving force behind this growth, and my influence in the company will increase. Perhaps this will affect my position in the company.


J: Good! This, so to speak, is your direct benefit. Now let’s see what would change in your life when your influence in the company grows and your position changes. Let’s start with the most obvious changes: how would your income change? Would you start to get more pleasure from your job? Could you do what you are interested in?


G: If I am promoted, my personal income increases, the budget allocated to me will also increase. The more successful the work of my department is, the more pleasure it would bring to me, and the more interesting it would be.


J: And how would your self-esteem change?


G: Probably, I would feel that what I am doing for the company matters. I would feel much more confident, as well.


J: What would change in your personal safety and in understanding the general situation in the company?


G: With good employees, there is probably less risk and trouble. And with the change in the role of my department in the company business, I would be much better aware of what is happening and influence the situation in the company.


J: And how would you be seen by others?


G: Such an improvement in the work of my department would cause not only envy, but also respect.


J: And what will change in your public status?


G: It will rise, what else could I say? Colleagues from other companies would be intrigued how I achieved such success.


J: As you could see, there are many benefits, aren’t there? And in order to gain them, you should do something, right?


G: In general, yes. Running around with documents is not the biggest payback!


J: Well, here it is, you’re motivated to provide me with timely payment.


G: I didn’t even think that I could be so motivated!



J: Well, it seems that we have discussed all the important issues. Looks like nothing else is holding you back from ordering our training and starting it as soon as possible. Am I wrong?


G: No, you are not wrong. I am ready, under such conditions, to sign a contract.


J: Let’s summarize. In addition to the standard contract for training of a group of sellers, we will add the following additional terms:

  1. Running the classes with sellers: 20 business days, 4 hours a day.

  2. Along with classes for sellers, there should be additional work:

    • Running an 8-hour (two days for 4 hours) training for company management, for marketers and engineers, at a price of $5K for each group.

    • Conducting three 8-hour sessions with marketers and engineers of the company on the topics: reducing production costs, increasing sales to existing consumers and a reasonable increase in prices for existing sales. Price is $10K for each session.

  3. Sales coaching starts from the third week of training: after classes, the sellers conduct real sales using elements of win-win sales technology. Upon completion of training, coaching (1 session per week for each seller) is carried out for 3 months.

  4. Upon completion of the coaching, performance of trained and not yet trained salespeople should be compared. We will discuss the comparison technology with you separately.

  5. If your company considers it necessary, the next training cycle for your salespeople can be started when coaching ends.

  6. Payment for work is carried out in stages, at the end of each month of work. The list of intermediate results that must be achieved, as well as the amounts paid for each stage, will be determined after a detailed planning of all work under the contract.

  7. Total payment of work: $175K

    • Sales training: $100K

    • Management training: $5K

    • Marketing training: $5K

    • Engineers training: $5K

    • Session to reduce costs: $10K

    • Session to increase sales: $10K

    • Session to justify the price increase: $10K.

    • Coaching of sellers for 3 months: $30K.


We took everything into account, right?


G: Yes.


J: Well, let’s sign!


G: Let’s sign!


*          *          *

Comment: This conversation took less than an hour. The result is a successful sale of Jack’s services and George’s interest in the success of the work. At the same time, Jack did not make a single concession, defended all his terms, both the price and terms of payment. The conversation was held in a friendly, frank and professional manner, forming mutual interest and mutual trust.

Let’s try to figure out how this was accomplished.


Dealing with Debts | 13 Dialogues on Win-Win SalesDialogue 2. Talking about Technology

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