FutureMapping: Fundamentals
FutureMapping is the provision of support to the decision-makers in any given area of human activities on flawless implementation of innovations for better satisfaction of customers’ needs, especially at times of paradigm shift.
This support includes:
Development and easy-to-grasp presentation of emerging trends, concepts of future innovations, and the most reasonable sequence of their commercialization
Recommendations on use of this knowledge for development of winning strategies, and
Suggestions on execution of strategies, monitoring the current situation, and appropriate timely correction of actions.
FutureMapping is the innovative approach aimed at discovering ahead of time “what customers will want tomorrow” so that company can start doing it today and succeed in the marketplace. Although useful in any times when market is expecting new products and services, this approach shows the unique ability to clarify the industry vision in times of crises caused by paradigm shifts. FutureMapping is the only approach providing for systematic and reliable revealing of emerging trends in any area of human activities.
Utilization of this approach provides industry leaders with the following benefits:
Peace of mind during the strategic decision-making; “strategic” means that decision directly impacts company’s business results.
Sustaining marketing success based on in-time launching the products that will be appreciated by customers.
Sustaining competitive advantage based on knowing ahead of time, before the competition, what customers will want tomorrow.
FutureMapping approach is based on the following premise: if customers are today content with available means to satisfy a need, tomorrow they will want “more, better, for less, with less hassle.” Knowing what they buy today and using this formula, we can find out what they will want tomorrow, even before they recognize it.
FutureMapping: Purpose, Deliverables and Criteria
Role of FutureMapping in Crisis
Structure of FutureMapping Process