FutureMapping: Purpose, Deliverables and Criteria
The main purpose of FutureMapping is to provide decision-makers with adequate, applicable and usable knowledge about improvements of products that will be accepted by marketplace in the nearest future.
When this knowledge is delivered ahead-of-time, i.e. before customers can recognize what they will want and competitors can recognize the need in changes, it provides the decision-makers with sufficient time to prepare for these changes and capability to deliver on new expectations just-in-time. In this way, their businesses succeed and lead the markets.
To make this knowledge adequate, it should be based on facts, be developed according to proven rules and be “zoomable,” i.e. explorable to any depth.
To make this knowledge applicable to the particular company’s decision-making, it should be comparable to company’s core competencies, capabilities and available resources.
To make this knowledge usable to decision-makers, this knowledge should be structured, organized and presented in easy-to-grasp format.
| FutureMapping: Fundamentals | Role of FutureMapping in Crisis